Pronar pronar, me vonese por prapeseprape faleminderit per barcaletat e lezzzzzetshme edhe per vjershen relativiste qe po me duhet ta studioj keto kohe dhe qe po me merzit, po ja ti me touch-in tend delikat ma ndryshove bardh ne zi pikepamjen, edhe une pra per ty po kopjoj ca pasazhe te shperndara nga The Crack-Up i Fitzgerald-it, publikisht se vetem keshtu pergjigjesh ti o i madhi numri 2 i komunitetit te gjere after-helmi qe u be komuniteti na bashkoi biti, numri 2 po, sepse kot nuk i bien floket njerezve andej mbrapa, anash, apo parç, ku di une si e keni ju, vendosjen e thjeshte ne hapesire e kam fjalen Edhe qe mos te te ngacmoj publikisht dil ndonjehere ne chat te bashkebisedojme pak pershembull per pse ti perdor linuksin dhe ç'programe perdor, megjithese jo jo ketu ne shesh te biteve, pa shpjegoi te lutem komunitetit perse per punen tende perdoret linuksi dhe jo pershembull e zeme kot fare windowsi. (Na mbyten geeket ketej nga shteti ohlala :)
Ja pra:
"The first sort of breakage seems to happen quick - the second kind happens almost without your knowing it but is realized suddenly indeed. Before I go on with this short story, let me make a general observation - the test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposite ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. ... Now a man can crack in many ways - can crack in the head - in which case the power of decision is taken from you by others! or in the body, when one can but submit to the white hospital world; or in the nerves. ...(ketu kemi nje pershkrim te crackut personal te autorit... dhe me tej bashkebisedim me doktoreshen)
So she said: "Listen. Suppose this wasn't a crack in you - suppose it was a crack in the Grand Canyon." "The crack's in me," I said heroically ... -a feeling that I was standing at twilight on a deserted range, with an empty rifle in my hands and the targets down. No problem set - simply a silence with only the sound of my own breathing. ...(I have the sense of lecturing now, looking at a watch on the desk before me and seeing how many more minutes) Well, when I had reached this period of silence , I was forced into a measure that no one ever adopt voluntarily: I was impelled to think. God, was it difficult! The moving about of great secret truncks. In the first exhausted halt, I wondered whether I had ever thought. After a long time I came to this conclusions, just as I write them here:
1)....2)suspens... ... So there was not an "I" anymore - not a basis on which I could organize my self-respect - save my limitless capacity for toil that it seemed i possessed no more. It was strange to have no self - to be like a little boy left alone in a big house, who knew that now he could do anything he wanted to do, but found that there was nothing he wanted to do. (The watch is past the hour and I have barely reached my thesis. I have some doubts as to whether this is of general interest,...) ... So what? This is what I think now: that the natural state of the sentinel adult is a qualified unhappiness. I think also that in an adult the desire to be finer in grain than you are, "a constant striving" (as those people say who gain their bread by saying it) only adds to this unhappiness in the end - that end that comes to our youth and hope. ... I will try to be a correct animal though, and if you throw me a bone with enough meat on it I may even lick your hand."
Kaq tani, po ju mund ta gjeni dhe ta lexoni te gjithe esene qe eshte vetem nja 20 faqe per me teper qe kjo prerja qe une bera doli nje paçavure vure vure, po mu lodh koka dhe gishtat tani.