I believe it is time for me to come up, you little sweetcake. Do bear in mind that I am following every single step of yours and time will show that you, freaky guy, will give up. Do take advantage of my limited time to reply to all of your stories.
Your friend you shared everything you liked least.
P.S. Your English is not bad, though you have to revise the Syntax. Ciao, little nic.
Labo, dori ketu. Sapo mberrita se skisha kohe kur me more ne tel. Isha shume i zene me nje pune qe do merret vesh se shpejti. Do te provoj te te marr tani megjithese eshte i cike vone spo te shqetesoj, flasim neser.
IP pa IP mesazhet po i leshon o xhan prandaj mos u terbo.