Ergi dhe Dori!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dudes, this Halloween you have officially been Punked, MTV style nga shoku i bankave vet dora e Jul Gaxhollit aka "konviktori" lol and my 40 thieves. I know its not easy being Punked. If my 40 thieves and I have stepped the bounderies of this Joke, I'm sure you will find it in your heart to forgive your old friend. It was done in the spirit of Halloween. We thought you were going to be good sport and hang with us until friday the 31st. Anyway, congratulations, you made it through. As the 40 thieves and I had expected you are true Punk survivors. Hey, maybe you can write this in your stories to be published next year????????? just an idea.......... So, Happy Halloween and I promise to behave at least until next Halloween lol................... Anetar te Forumbit you pershendes nga east coast. Tani qe "Mission Imposible" is over, deshiroj qe te afrohemi afer strofes e te bojme pak muhabet per kto vite te humbura. Po te doni sillni shishet e Poncit, apo ferrnetet, cingaret jane te detyrueshme. Per vete po sjell Scotch. Ika se u gdhi. Poshte po le adresen e email. ps. Kuke next time you're in east coast, I'm gonna bring your ass over to Genc To., Oja, Erioni and if you want Flor Pe.......... too. Po te marr me te mira se me kan thone qe je merzitur, po ti e di qe s'ta kisha me te keq o lal. Just a Halloween Joke. So I hail to the "Pronari i Kjoskes".
hahaha ju betohem e dija qe dikush do rivelote veten per halloween... plako dobic ta vuna emnin e dobic qeke...megjithese e teprume si shaka ...oh man one twested 40 u are hehehe