pashe vetem nje pjese te trailer-it se fillun kta te shtepise te ankohen ke blloku telefonin amon se nuk filloj prap me te shara connectionesh aq sa pashe me pelqeu fort dmth...o pronar po mund ta di me sakte kush eshte kontributi yt te filmi...qe dhe te di tamam per ca po te pergezoj
look development dhe compositing qe dmth me ndricimin, ngjyrat, materialet. Tani psh po look-dev femijet e tjere qe jane ne tren nja 20 ..nga nje ane kam fotografine e kalamanit te vertete nga ana tjeter modelin 3d me texturat nga piktoret. Tani une i marr keto dhe fine tune,..buzet me te kuqe floket me te verdha etj etj. Te njejten pune dhe me objekte. Pastaj keto elemente futen ne skenee dhe ndricohen : drita e henes, apo rrezet nga dritaret e trenit etj dhe ne fund marr elemente nga departamentet e tjera (psh i efekteve = tymin apo boren), i kombinoj te gjitha bashke dhe kshu del imazhi final qe digjet ne film
athere pune dhe djegje te mbare ne fund :)...pronar paske pune interesante
ej se me ato teksturat me kujtove ca arkitekt ktu ne tirane qe ngrene nje model godine ne 3dmax ose cad... bejne renderin dhe aplikojn materialet(tekturat) me artlantis a ku di un dhe na i plasin neve ne beje te rrije ne kembe realisht e bukura qendron se po ti pyesesh vec e vec te gjithe do thone se teksturat e veta jane unike e s'i perdor kush tjeter...nuk e dine akoma te shkretet qe ne tirane te njejtat tekstura qarkullojne gjithandej :))
Idea. ka nje problem te vogel pe daljen e emrit te Kikes te titrat ne fund! I kane dhene urdher te zgjedhe nje emer tjeter se thone qe Kike Kuke s'eshte serioze. Prandaj ne duhet te bombardojme Sony-n me e-maile ne mbeshtetje te emrit Kike!
You'll have to wait until 2005 to watch the next Robert Zemeckis movie, "The Polar Express."
He will use many new special effects for his future film. For example, he plans to create a younger version of Tom Hanks, who will be in this movie.
P.J. Huffstutter reports from Hollywood.
All of the scenes in "The Polar Express" will be shot with digital cameras in front of a blank screen, with sets to be filled in later by computers. The actors will be covered in motion-capture sensors so that each move of an arm, each flicker of an eyelid and each wrinkle of a lip will be stored on a computer and used as guide for the digital animators who will create the actual movie footage.
Expected to hit theaters in 2004 or 2005 with Hanks again in a starring role, "The Polar Express" is creating a buzz among technophiles, who are fascinated by Zemeckis' grand vision. It's also raising eyebrows among the entertainment industry's labor unions, which are concerned that an all-digital production may cut their members out of the process.
The film, which is about a boy who believes in Santa Claus, will feature many children.
Some of those roles will be filled by actual child actors. But others will be completely virtual, including one who represents Hanks' conductor character as a boy. The crew has spent nearly a year experimenting on ways to map Hanks' current facial and muscle structure. They plan to mix that data with photographs of the actor in his youth and backward engineer a virtual child that will resemble the adult Hanks.
"This is an ambitious, exciting project for us," said Martin Shafer, chairman and chief executive of Castle Rock Entertainment, the studio behind the movie. "We've seen the early tests, and it's like nothing I've ever seen."
These new special effects won't come cheap.
Studio executives say the budget is set around $150 million.
But some project insiders and technology experts insist that this is a low-ball figure, and that the sums involved could easily grow to rival the likes of "Titantic," [Note: This is really what is written in the article.] "Pearl Harbor" and "Waterworld," turning "The Polar Express" into one of the most expensive movies ever made. One of the reasons for that is, with shooting scheduled to begin in less than three months, some of the high-tech tools needed to make the film are still being developed.
Na dergo posta per te na tregu se sa pare te modhe do fitoji vetem nga nje film dhe kur vje puna neve te zellshmeve te forumit s'na jep asnje kacidhe per kontributin tone te sinqerte ne forumb.
jo jo guce gabim se paren e madhe spo e fitoj une shk,on drejt e ne xhepin e vogel te xhinseve te tom hanksit, te tjeret na kane vene ne rresht ne litare dhe eshte efects supervisori me nje kamzhik te madh ne maje hiiaaaaaaa